Therapy to change your life.

I’ll support you as you learn to prioritize yourself, to recognize and see the value in your emotions, and to make fulfilling decisions to feel empowered and balanced.

I have completed Level 2 Training in Gottman Method Couples Therapy. Additionally, with an integrative approach, I’ll use a mix of therapeutic modalities to help you to become interdependent instead of codependent, to set healthy boundaries, to be a caregiver instead of a caretaker, to be filled with hope, and to let go of situations you had no control over in the first place.

You handle the behind-the-scene jobs, you help others even when no one helps you, are working hardest to make everyone else’s life better. You feel overwhelming empathy towards people you might not even know. You struggle with codependency, boundary setting, care taking, hopelessness, and letting go. You’re overwhelmed by your life but don’t understand why. You need help but don’t know it until you break down and want to give up.

Therapy is a place to feel secure and relaxed. It may be one of the only places in your life where you can talk as long as you need without feeling judged or criticized. I will ask you questions from a place of curiosity, not judgement. I will attempt to know you in a way few others do. I will use a variety of psychological principles to craft an integrative custom treatment plan that’s just for you. You’re life will change and I will be with you, encouraging, comforting, evoking, and validating every step of the way.

During therapy you will:

Uncover Feelings

Your life can feel chaotic when it revolves around someone else’s. In times of chaos, it’s difficult to notice your feelings because they are buried under everything else going on.

Our feelings activate our thoughts and actions. Learning to notice your feelings gives you the information you need to live a content and fulfilling life.

In therapy, uncovering feelings looks like labeling them, identifying where you feel them in your body, and validating that it makes sense for you to feel the way you do.

Therapy is a place to:

Empower Yourself

As a selfless caregiver you take pride in knowing what someone needs without them having to ask. You anticipate their challenges and know when to offer a helping hand. You might not understand why others don’t know to help you in the same way. You feel frustrated when you have to ask for help.

Empowering yourself means recognizing your needs and wants and knowing they are worth speaking up for. It means having boundaries so your needs get met. In therapy, you will learn that you are worthy of attention.

Find Balance

In Therapy you will:

It is challenging to prioritize your own needs when you dedicate your life to service. You think more about others than yourself. Having fun takes a backseat to responsibilities. Making the right decision means consistently choosing what’s best for someone else. You ignore your feelings, needs, and wants and end up resenting your obligations.

During therapy, establishing balance looks like filling your own cup so it overflows and fills others’. It means giving equal attention to you.

Overcome Circumstances

When you dedicate yourself to nurturing others, their circumstances become your own. You use precious energy trying to change the conditions of their life to better suit you. This wasted effort causes distress, anger, and burnout.

By accepting their circumstances, and focusing on your own life, you are no longer a victim to situations you have no control over.

Therapy is a place to:

Affected by Codependency and Another’s Addiction 

For when their problems become your problems.